Thursday 28 May 2009

Show reel

I am now in the process of drawing together my project and completing my work. The final thing that I am currently doing is my show reel and it will consist of a slide show featuring all my comic paintings. It will last 30 seconds and is being compiled in Adobe After Effects.

Storyboard / Comic strip

I have drawn and planned out all the pages of my comic strip. It spans a total of 8 pages each featuring three comic cells which I have individually drawn and painted. I drew these out on paper first to deign the layout and the text that would appear on them. Then painted over the basic sketch refining the line of the drawings and colouring them in as well as adding the text that explains each picture. Here is an example of one of the drawn out pages.

Here is a second example of what the same image looks like after I have coloured it in and put on the text.
I have used this same process to colour the other eight frames, completing my comic.

Saturday 9 May 2009

More Photoshop work

Here are the two most recent Photoshop pieces that I have completed. This makes the five that I set out to do at the beginning of the term. I may do more if I have time but at the moment my efforts are focussed on my comic and other concepts for props and level layouts.
This first one is a concept for the entrance to Hathor's labyrinth after Edward has discovered and built a little entrance way inside. The second is the completed environment piece from the previous post.

Comic strip..

As part of the storyboards for my project I have decided to create a short comic strip that explains the back story to my game. This might be the might be the sort of thing that comes with the manual of a game as an extra. It explains the story of Hathor and what happened to her. I was going to have this in the opening cut scene but instead decided to base the game entirely in Edward's time, this also gave me an interesting set of pictures to draw an colour.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

In Development ..

At the moment I am working on an environment piece. It shows alot more interior than the others and will be the first in a series of showing what the areas inside my game will look like.


The other two pictures that I mentioned are atmosphere/environment pictures. They show a small part of the environment but my overall aim when creating them was to give the view some idea of the atmosphere that I want my game to have.

Easter Holiday

Over the Easter holiday I have finished another two paintings and the Hathor picture. Shown below.